Sunday, April 19, 2015

21DSD: Day 14 Pass the Pasta Please!!

Wait, what? It's not day 21?? Damnit.

All I wanted for dinner tonight was spaghetti. I wanted something soft and chewy and pasta-y with a delicious sauce topped with parmesan. It was already dinner time and I didn't want anything in the fridge, didn't have time to really make anything involved, and spaghetti would have been really easy and fast. But instead I had a couple of burger patties from the other night (no buns, hun), and fixings. Not what I wanted, but it's what I ate.

At this stage I'm ready to add stuff back into my diet, even though I know there's another week. I feel like I've learned a lot and could easily add some whole grains back in, along with other fruits, without over doing it and going right back to all my old habits. I mainly would like my toast and berries with breakfast, and a pasta dinner like once a week. The recipes we've tried so far have been great and I know I can keep that up most of the time, but sometimes a girl just needs some pasta! And wine. Like a bottle of wine.

I woke up today pretty tired, despite the 9 straight hours of sleep. I could have easily gone back to bed if it wasn't so sunny....and if the kiddo hadn't woken up lol. We had breakfast, and then watched cartoons. I even got a few snuggles during them. :) She was put down for an early nap because we had another volunteer meeting at 3:30 on post, and that's about when she usually gets up from her nap, so I had to get her down a little earlier. We went to the PX and commissary before our meeting. She didn't have any lighter weight jammies as the weather gets warmer, and she's starting to sweat in the fleece ones. So she got a couple of those, as well as a light weight jacket that was on clearance (super cute). The PX actually has a lot of really cute clothes right now, and it took a lot of will power to not pick up like a dozen outfits for her!! I'm trying to space clothes purchases out, so it isn't like $200 all at once (or more). We went to the commissary for blueberries and white vinegar. Then headed over to the company area to pick up the items that were locked up yesterday. Finished up our outing with our meeting, then headed home and had the dinner dilemma as discussed earlier lol.

After dinner I started some prep for our fundraiser on Tuesday. I washed about 150 apples. Fun times. I should trim and prep the pork tonight, but I'm pretty tired, it's going to have to wait until the morning. And tornado Rachael came through today....the house looks like it literally exploded, but that's going to wait too. lol It's just one of those nights, ready for bed. ;)

Well that about sums up the day. Here is the food:

Breakfast: I made a Southwestern Fritata with pork, peppers, jalapeno, mushrooms, green onion, and then topped with cheddar cheese. I had a cup of a new kind of tea as well...Caribbean Breeze green tea. DEEEEEElicious!! It is awesome hot, and will be amazingly refreshing iced this summer. I'm going to have to get some more of that stuff!

Lunch: a couple of chicken tenders (coconut coating stuff scraped off) dipped in mustard with some sweet potato chips, which are kind of soggy now.

Snack: string cheese

Dinner: two burger patties with toppings and cheese

That's it for me tonight. Peace, love, and sleep!!!! ;)

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