Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas 2011 Crafted Gifts!!

This year I had tons of ideas to hand make gifts for people, all of which included sewing.  Now I haven't been sewing that long, but I seem to be getting better with each project.  The first thing I completed was for my sister in law, Lydia, who loves the Atlanta Falcons.  Last year at their grandparents', her grandmother had made me a tote bag that Lydia also really liked, and I asked for the pattern to try to make it one day.  So when Lydia said she'd like something Falcons related, I knew instantly that I'd make her this bag for Christmas.  When my sister was here for Thanksgiving, she saw it too and thought it was really awesome, and now wants one for the New York Jets. lol.  Maybe for her birthday....this year she got something else (further down on this post).  And maybe one day I'll make myself a Hokie one!  Here is the bag, took me about 2 days to make it.

So the next project I worked on was for my mother in law Susan for Christmas.  Again, I got this idea from her parents' house at Christmas last year.  They had this really cute placemat/table runner set that was snowmen and was quilted.  So my idea was to make her a table set, but I didn't exactly know what fabric I wanted until I went to the quilt store.  I saw this striped snowflake pattern and loved it!  (I love snowflakes anyway, and this was really cute.)  Then I found a complimentary fabric to use with it, along with a stencil to do the quilting.  Second project ever to actually quilt, and it turned our really well I think!  Final product was 1 table runner (more like a table center piece) and 6 placemats.  Only 4 are in the picture because there wasn't enough room on my craft table lol.  Here are a bunch of pictures:

And last but not least is a New York Jets santa for my sister Ashley.  I searched forever to try to find a decent Jets fabric to use, but all of the team logo fabrics were way to "cheeky" to use for a nice old-time Santa Claus, so I went with using the Jets' colors instead, and then made a Jets football for him to hold.  For the football, we found an ornament at Hobby Lobby (my favorite store ever!!) and then spray painted it white, and painted "Jets" on it with some green accents.  Maybe once I get to NY next summer, I'll find something else to accessorize him with, but we'll see.  Here is the Santa, made in a day.  And I finally took the time this go-around to make templates so future Santa's won't take nearly as long, or use as much material!  :-)

That concludes my Christmas gift post.  If you see anything you like, let me know!  :-)

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